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A2Zzz Q4 2023/Volume 32/Number 4

The 2023 Q4 issue of A2Zzz is here! The use of the Internet of things (IoT) in the sleep field is showing promise in improving the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders, primarily obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). But are the drawbacks of IoT enough to prevent it from being fully utilized by sleep professionals?  

Explore additional articles, including:

  • Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
  • SPONSORED: Is the Apnea-hypopnea Index the Best Metric for Evaluating Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  •  Sleep Scoring Among Different Types of Scorers: Thoughts on Getting to 100% Agreement

Updates to Claiming CECs From A2Zzz

AAST members looking to claim their free AAST continuing education credits (CECs) from reading the latest issue of A2Zzz will now need to complete a knowledge assessment in the Learning Center. Upon completion of the knowledge assessment, AAST members will be awarded their two free AAST CECs. For additional information on this change, please view the instructions for earning credits from A2Zzz.


A2Zzz: Volume 32, Number 4
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. A2Zzz: Volume 32, Number 4
Knowledge Assessment Survey
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5/5 points to pass
2.0 CEC credits  |  Certificate available
2.0 CEC credits  |  Certificate available