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Sleep Center Essentials: Internal Audits Regulatory and Accreditation Requirements

Ms. Brooks reviews regulatory and accreditation requirements for sleep centers. Legal issues are discussed as well as OSHA workplace guidelines with an emphasis on areas of importance to sleep programs. AASM accreditation standards are described and changes to standards in the most recent update are highlighted.

Presenter: Rita Brooks, RPSGT, RST, M Ed

Recorded: 6/7/17

CEC Credit(s): 0.5


Internal Audits: Regulatory and Accreditation Requirements
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Open to view video.
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
0.5 credits  |  No certificate available
0.5 credits  |  No certificate available