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Pediatric Scoring

Recorded On: 02/28/2021

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This module is the second in the series and reviews the most recent AASM pediatric scoring rules, focusing on the specifics of the infant and child sleep staging and arousal scoring rules and respiratory event scoring in these age groups. Terminology describing infant age relevant to infant scoring is explained, along with the specific nomenclature used in infant and pediatric sleep staging. The specific respiratory event scoring differences that apply to the pediatric patient are reviewed, along with cardiac event scoring rules for pediatrics. The module provides and reviews pediatric sleep stage and event scoring examples throughout the module and provides rationale for the additional monitoring parameters essential in pediatric polysomnography. This module provides an in-depth review and explanation of how to utilize the pediatric scoring rules to evaluate sleep disorders in infants and children.  

By Laree Fordyce, RPSGT, RST, CCSH, CCRP


Pediatric Scoring
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Open to view video.
14 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  11/14 points to pass
14 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  11/14 points to pass
1.0 CEC credit  |  Certificate available
1.0 CEC credit  |  Certificate available