Journal Club #76: An Overview of Sleep Disorders in Rare Genetic Syndromes
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Description: While we may or may not always encounter patients with rare genetic disorders, this doesn't mean we shouldn't have at least a cursory idea of what these conditions are and how sleep for these patients may be affected. The genetics of sleep itself, meanwhile, continues to grow as a subject matter in the literature, so it's not a bad idea to better understand these basics, too. This month, we'll take a look at a recent survey of the molecular genetics of human sleep (Zhang & Fu, 2020) for a basic foundation, then we'll become familiar with some rare genetic disorders before reviewing this month's Journal Club study by AGAR et al, which gives a sweeping view of the prevalence and profiles of sleep disorders among those living with these conditions.
Recorded: 2/13/2022
CEC Credit(s): 1.0
Target Audience: Sleep technologists
Length: 1-hour