Essential Skills in Sleep Medicine
- Non-member - $99
- Member - $75
Sleep Center Essentials: Life Safety
Ms. Bibbs provides a review of life safety, which includes all elements of sleep center function that might have an impact on the well-being of the patient during their time in the center. The focus of the discussion is on regulatory issues and methods for meeting requirements and passing inspections.
Sleep Center Essentials: Risk Management Infection Control in the Sleep Center
Laura Linley provides an extensive discussion of infection control guidelines, ranging from hand washing to flu vaccines. General requirements include universal precautions and use of protective gear.
Sleep Center Essentials: HIPAA and Patient Confidentiality
Ms. Erin Head reviews the legal requirements for maintaining confidentiality of patient health information. She notes that there are strict regulations at the federal and state levels and harsh penalties are possible for breaches of confidentiality.
Sleep Center Essentials: Cardiac Abnormalities: Patient Based Learning (PBL) Format
Kristina Weaver reviews cardiac abnormalities associated with sleep apnea. A focus of the discussion is the identification of arrhythmias and which are associated with a need for urgent intervention. Electrical conduction through the heart is reviewed.
Sleep Center Essentials: Internal Audits Regulatory and Accreditation Requirements
Rita Brooks reviews regulatory and accreditation requirements for sleep centers. Legal issues are discussed as well as OSHA workplace guidelines with an emphasis on areas of importance to sleep programs. AASM accreditation standards are described and changes to standards in the most recent update are highlighted.
Each of the modules in this bundle are designed for sleep technologists with less than 5 years of experience, this bundle will complement and strengthen your skills, and help you as you grow and evolve in your career.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Rita Brooks reviews regulatory and accreditation requirements for sleep centers and legal issues are discussed as well as OSHA workplace guidelines with an emphasis on areas of importance to sleep programs.
Ms. Brooks reviews regulatory and accreditation requirements for sleep centers. Legal issues are discussed as well as OSHA workplace guidelines with an emphasis on areas of importance to sleep programs. AASM accreditation standards are described and changes to standards in the most recent update are highlighted.
Presenter: Rita Brooks, RPSGT, RST, M Ed
Recorded: 6/7/17
CEC Credit(s): 0.5
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Kristina Weaver reviews cardiac abnormalities associated with sleep apnea. A focus of the discussion is the identification of arrhythmias and which are associated with a need for urgent intervention. Electrical conduction through the heart is reviewed.
Ms. Weaver reviews cardiac abnormalities associated with sleep apnea. A focus of the discussion is the identification of arrhythmias and which are associated with a need for urgent intervention. Electrical conduction through the heart is reviewed. The consequences of untreated sleep apnea and the benefits of treatment are discussed in the context of heart failure, stroke, and hypertension.
Presenter: Kristina Weaver, RPSGT, NREMT-P
Recorded: 6/7/17
CEC Credit(s): 1.0
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Erin Head reviews the legal requirements for maintaining confidentiality of patient health information. She notes that there are strict regulations at the federal and state levels and harsh penalties are possible for breaches of confidentiality.
Ms. Head reviews the legal requirements for maintaining confidentiality of patient health information. She notes that there are strict regulations at the federal and state levels and harsh penalties are possible for breaches of confidentiality. She provides a review of who, what, and when information can be disclosed to family members and medical professionals.
Presenter: Erin Head, MBA, RHIA, CHDA, CHTS-TR
Recorded: 6/5/17
CEC Credit(s): 0.5
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Recorded in 2016, Laura Linley provides an extensive discussion of infection control guidelines and also discusses critical elements more specific to the sleep center such as cleaning of reusable supplies and PAP equipment.
Laura Linley provides an extensive discussion of infection control guidelines, ranging from hand washing to flu vaccines. General requirements include universal precautions and use of protective gear. Ms. Linley also discusses critical elements more specific to the sleep center such as cleaning of reusable supplies and PAP equipment.
Presenter: Laura Linley, CRTT, RPSGT, RST, FAAST
Recorded: 8/22/16
CEC Credit(s): 1.0
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
​Recorded on 6/1/2017, Marietta Bibbs provides a review of life safety, which includes all elements of sleep center function that might have an impact on the well-being of the patient during their time in the center. The focus of the discussion is on regulatory issues and methods for meeting requirements and passing inspections.
Ms. Bibbs provides a review of life safety, which includes all elements of sleep center function that might have an impact on the well-being of the patient during their time in the center. The focus of the discussion is on regulatory issues and methods for meeting requirements and passing inspections. During the last portion of the talk Ms. Bibbs shares her own checklists and forms for insuring that all requirements are met.
Presenter: Marietta Bibbs
Recorded: 6/1/17
CEC Credit(s): 1.0