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Case of the Month #49: A 46-Yr Old Woman with Loud Snoring

Discussion of a 46-year-old patient with loud snoring and witnessed apnea. Criteria for “high risk” for OSA are reviewed as well as the use of the STOP-Bang evaluation. The patient’s recording is discussed with an emphasis on event criteria and severity estimation. The ICSD-3 criteria are used to determine if the patient can be diagnosed with OSA syndrome. Recommendations for a conversation at the end of the test are made.

Presenter: Richard S. Rosenberg, PhD

Recorded: 5/25/2017

CEC Credit(s): 1.0


Open to view video.
Open to view video.
5 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/5 points to pass
1.0 A23209 credit  |  No certificate available
1.0 A23209 credit  |  No certificate available