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Average Volume Assured Pressure Support AVAPS-Auto EPAP (AVAPS-AE)

This is the fifth module which provides an overview of AVAPS-AE technology and how and when to employ it.  AVAPS technology provides noninvasive ventilation for patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency, and in the AE mode also treats Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) using auto EPAP. Moreover, this technology utilizes and adjusts pressure support to maintain a target tidal volume and can provide an adjustable backup rate when needed. Covered in this module are the disorders appropriate for this therapy, a thorough explanation of the device algorithm and operation, appropriate settings based on specific sleep-disordered breathing problems, and patient comfort settings information. Titration protocols are also provided that address appropriate titration settings based on the specific sleep-disordered breathing problems for which this therapy is appropriate. Contents of this module provide an excellent introduction to AVAPS-AE technology and its effectiveness in patients with advanced therapy needs.


Module 5: AVAPS AE
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
6 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/6 points to pass
6 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/6 points to pass
Review the key terms in this course.
1.0 CEC credit  |  Certificate available
1.0 CEC credit  |  Certificate available