Advanced Pediatrics Sleep
- Non-member - $120
- Member - $95
Module 1 - Pediatric Polysomnography 1.0 CEC
This module is the first in a series of Pediatric resources being developed for those new to pediatrics and pediatric sleep testing and therapy. The module provides an overview of the specific knowledge and skills the sleep technologist performing pediatric testing requires. A review of the development of sleep in infants and children, information on pediatric sleep evaluation and questionnaires, and indications for polysomnography in pediatric patients is provided. Information regarding pediatric equipment requirements and testing considerations for the young and very young pediatric patient is provided. Tips on communicating with pediatric patients and their parents and getting the leads on these young patients are included, along with testing set-up, instrumentation, recording and documentation requirements for pediatric polysomnography. This module provides a useful introduction to pediatric polysomnography for the sleep technologist.
Module 2 - Pediatric Scoring 1.0 CEC
This module reviews the most recent AASM pediatric scoring rules, focusing on the specifics of the infant and child sleep staging and arousal scoring rules and respiratory event scoring in these age groups. Terminology describing infant age relevant to infant scoring is explained, along with the specific nomenclature used in infant and pediatric sleep staging. The specific respiratory event scoring differences that apply to the pediatric patient are reviewed, along with cardiac event scoring rules for pediatrics. The module provides and reviews pediatric sleep stage and event scoring examples throughout the module and provides rationale for the additional monitoring parameters essential in pediatric polysomnography. This module provides an in-depth review and explanation of how to utilize the pediatric scoring rules to evaluate sleep disorders in infants and children.
Module 3 - Pediatric Sleep Development & Sleep Related Breathing Disorders 1.0 CEC
This module reviews the development of sleep in children from infancy through adolescence and provides an overview of a variety of sleep and sleep related breathing disorders in pediatric patients. An assortment of case studies is provided that illuminate several sleep and breathing disorders that are seen in pediatrics and discusses treatment options and management of these various types of disorders.
Module 4 - Pediatric Treatment Options & Guidelines 1.0 CEC
In this module we define and describe the common modalities used to treat sleep disordered breathing in the pediatric patient. Indications, contraindications, and precautions for each modality of treatment are outlined, along with the appropriate interfaces for pediatric therapies. Troubleshooting methods for mask leaks, excessive pressure on the face, and humidification are described, and tips for achieving successful therapy in the pediatric patient are provided. Treatment goals and patient follow-up guidelines for each type of therapy, as defined by best practices and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force, are also provided. This module provides a thorough review of treatment options for sleep related breathing disorders in the pediatric patient.
Module 5 - Pediatric Insomnia & Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders 1.0 CEC
This module reviews insomnias and circadian rhythm sleep disorders in the pediatric population. The evolution, emergence, and prevalence of insomnia disorders, signs and symptoms of the primary pediatric insomnias and management and treatment options for these disorders are discussed. Pediatric circadian rhythm sleep disorders including delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) and its causes and symptoms are reviewed and differentiated from the insomnias in the pediatric population. A discussion of appropriate behavioral and environmental interventions for pediatric sleep disorders is also included. This module provides an excellent overview of the primary insomnia and circadian rhythm sleep disorders that affect pediatric patients.
Module 6 - Pediatric Parasomnias & Hypersomnias 1.0 CEC
This module provides an excellent review of the parasomnias and hypersomnias that affect the pediatric population. A review of the different types of primary and secondary excessive daytime somnolence (EDS) in the pediatric population that includes age specific signs and symptoms of hypersomnolence in the pediatric patient is provided. The review of parasomnias focuses on recognizing risk factors for and identifying common parasomnias in the pediatric population and discusses when to utilize polysomnography for evaluation of parasomnias. The causes of both pediatric hypersomnias and parasomnias and how the appropriate medical history and testing affect proper diagnosis and treatment are reviewed, and the importance of parental education and reassurance in the management of these disorders is discussed. This module provides an extensive overview of two of the more common pediatric sleep disorders.
Module 7 - Sleep & Medical Disorders in Special Populations 1.0 CEC
This module provides an extensive overview of the numerous different types of medical disorders that may be seen in pediatric special populations. Each disorder is defined and provides information on how sleep is affected in infants and children with these medical disorders, including the anticipated PSG changes seen in these populations. In pediatric sleep medicine, the ability to recognize these disorders is important in order to best care for these children during their night in the sleep lab. This module provides valuable information for any sleep technologist who works with pediatric patients.
Module 8 – Addendum
This module provides supplemental materials as additional learning and for reference on many of the topics covered in this course. These materials include both technical guidelines developed and endorsed by the AAST and professional practice guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) that set the standards for our work in sleep medicine and technology. These reference materials are provided as an enhancement to this course. Please note that some of the materials provided are not pediatric specific, however all of these references contain information that is relevant in some manner to the care of pediatric sleep patients.
These modules are a comprehensive program built to follow the BRPT's Pediatric Sleep Certificate Exam Blueprint and are designed to help students close knowledge gaps in pediatric sleep care before sitting for the certificate exam. Each module includes a glossary and a knowledge check section to reinforce learning.
Contains 1 Component(s)
Module 8 of Advanced Pediatrics includes supplemental materials as additional learning and for reference on many of the topics covered in this course.
This addendum provides supplemental materials as additional learning and for reference on many of the topics covered in this course. These materials include both technical guidelines developed and endorsed by the AAST and professional practice guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) that set the standards for our work in sleep medicine and technology. These reference materials are provided as an enhancement to this course. Please note that some of the materials provided are not pediatric specific, however all of these references contain information that is relevant in some manner to the care of pediatric sleep patients.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 7 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
The seventh module in the series provides an extensive overview of the numerous different types of medical disorders that may be seen in pediatric special populations. Each disorder is defined and provides information on how sleep is affected in infants and children with these medical disorders, including the anticipated PSG changes seen in these populations. In pediatric sleep medicine, the ability to recognize these disorders is important in order to best care for these children during their night in the sleep lab. This module provides valuable information for any sleep technologist who works with pediatric patients.
By Kimberly Trotter, MA, RPSGT, FAAST
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 6 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
This sixth module of the series provides an excellent review of the parasomnias and hypersomnias that affect the pediatric population. A review of the different types of primary and secondary excessive daytime somnolence (EDS) in the pediatric population that includes age specific signs and symptoms of hypersomnolence in the pediatric patient is provided. The review of parasomnias focuses on recognizing risk factors for and identifying common parasomnias in the pediatric population and discusses when to utilize polysomnography for evaluation of parasomnias. The causes of both pediatric hypersomnias and parasomnias and how the appropriate medical history and testing affect proper diagnosis and treatment are reviewed, and the importance of parental education and reassurance in the management of these disorders is discussed. This module provides an extensive overview of two of the more common pediatric sleep disorders.
By Laree Fordyce, RPSGT, RST, CCSH, CCRP
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 5 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
This fifth module in the series reviews insomnias and circadian rhythm sleep disorders in the pediatric population. The evolution, emergence, and prevalence of insomnia disorders, signs and symptoms of the primary pediatric insomnias and management and treatment options for these disorders are discussed. Pediatric circadian rhythm sleep disorders including delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) and its causes and symptoms are reviewed and differentiated from the insomnias in the pediatric population. A discussion of appropriate behavioral and environmental interventions for pediatric sleep disorders is also included. This module provides an excellent overview of the primary insomnia and circadian rhythm sleep disorders that affect pediatric patients.
By Kimberly Trotter, MA, RPSGT, FAAST
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 4 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
In this fourth module of the series we define and describe the common modalities used to treat sleep disordered breathing in the pediatric patient. Indications, contraindications, and precautions for each modality of treatment are outlined, along with the appropriate interfaces for pediatric therapies. Troubleshooting methods for mask leaks, excessive pressure on the face, and humidification are described, and tips for achieving successful therapy in the pediatric patient are provided. Treatment goals and patient follow-up guidelines for each type of therapy, as defined by best practices and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force, are also provided. This module provides a thorough review of treatment options for sleep related breathing disorders in the pediatric patient.
By Debra Medin
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 3 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
This is the third module in the series which reviews the development of sleep in children from infancy through adolescence and provides an overview of a variety of sleep and sleep related breathing disorders in pediatric patients. An assortment of case studies is provided that illuminate several sleep and breathing disorders that are seen in pediatrics and discusses treatment options and management of these various types of disorders.
By Julie DeWitte, RCP, RPSGT, RST, FAAST
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 2 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
This module is the second in the series and reviews the most recent AASM pediatric scoring rules, focusing on the specifics of the infant and child sleep staging and arousal scoring rules and respiratory event scoring in these age groups. Terminology describing infant age relevant to infant scoring is explained, along with the specific nomenclature used in infant and pediatric sleep staging. The specific respiratory event scoring differences that apply to the pediatric patient are reviewed, along with cardiac event scoring rules for pediatrics. The module provides and reviews pediatric sleep stage and event scoring examples throughout the module and provides rationale for the additional monitoring parameters essential in pediatric polysomnography. This module provides an in-depth review and explanation of how to utilize the pediatric scoring rules to evaluate sleep disorders in infants and children.
By Laree Fordyce, RPSGT, RST, CCSH, CCRP
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/28/2021
Module 1 of Advanced Pediatrics includes a 10-question knowledge assessment and 1.0 AAST Continuing Education Credits (CECs).
This module is the first in a series of Pediatric resources being developed for those new to pediatrics and pediatric sleep testing and therapy. The module provides an overview of the specific knowledge and skills the sleep technologist performing pediatric testing requires. A review of the development of sleep in infants and children, information on pediatric sleep evaluation and questionnaires, and indications for polysomnography in pediatric patients is provided. Information regarding pediatric equipment requirements and testing considerations for the young and very young pediatric patient is provided. Tips on communicating with pediatric patients and their parents and getting the leads on these young patients are included, along with testing set-up, instrumentation, recording and documentation requirements for pediatric polysomnography. This module provides a useful introduction to pediatric polysomnography for the sleep technologist.
By Rita Brooks, MEd., R. EEG/EP T., RPSGT, FAAST